Okanagan Youth Choir is a choir for choristers in grades 8-12 through to university aged young adults (to age 25). We rehearse for two hours on Wednesday afternoons, starting at 5pm. We recognize that young people thirst for connection with others and also there is a need for singers who graduate from high school programs to have somewhere to continue to sing with other young people. Singing together is such a great opportunity for building community connection, leadership opportunities, and overall mental and physical health and well being. We aim to provide a space for these needs to be met for young singers in our community, as we have seen exemplified in other youth choir programs across BC and beyond.
Rehearsals include, but are not limited to, the following elements:
- community connection
- Vocal tech time and pedagogy – developing our voices individually and as a group
- Working on our sight singing and musicianship skills
- Learning new music in a variety of styles & singing some familiar favourites
- Mentorship opportunities for our senior singers, and mentoring for our juniors.
- Developing a rich community that celebrates our uniqueness and diversity
Cost for the full year of singing is approximately $450. Financial support is available for those with financial need.
For more information about joining us for the 2024-25 season, please visit our Join Us page.
For more information or to register to sing with us, please contact:
Music Director, Taylor Bone (Email: director@okanaganyouthchoir.ca)
or Frances Chiasson, Artistic Director (Phone: 250-869-6817 or Email: director@okanaganchildrenschoir.ca)